26 July 2024

Taylor’s Shocking Betrayal: Promised Capitol Riot Tapes Vanish Into Thin Air!

 Taylor’s Shocking Betrayal: Promised Capitol Riot Tapes Vanish Into Thin Air!

Georgia Rep Accused of Betraying Transparency Commitment

In a dramatic turn of events, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia finds herself embroiled in a political firestorm as she faces a wave of backlash from fellow Republicans for allegedly reneging on her promise to release security tapes from the January 6, 2021, riot at the United States Capitol. Greene, a staunch advocate for transparency surrounding the events of that fateful day, had vowed to provide the American people with an unfiltered view of the tumultuous events that unfolded. However, as tensions rise within her own party, her commitment to that promise is now being called into question.

The controversy began when Greene, known for her vocal support of former President Donald Trump, took to social media on May 31, 2023, with what seemed like a momentous declaration. In a tweet that garnered significant attention, she announced, “I’m excited to share the good news that just as I promised, the J6 tapes are being released! @SpeakerMcCarthy has given @jsolomonReports, @Julie_kelly2, and a third outlet unfettered access to the J6 tapes, and their reporting on it starts tomorrow. This is the transparency the American people deserve, and I look forward to their reporting!”

Yet, it wasn’t long before the promise began to unravel. Late Sunday evening, journalist Julie Kelly voiced her dissatisfaction with House Republicans, alleging that they had failed to follow through on their commitment to release the footage. She lamented, “The pledge by GOP to release all the Jan 6 videos has been broken. I believed my involvement to make footage available was a temporary fix until staff could protect innocents from DOJ and thugs like Sedition Hunters. Now I see GOP has capitulated to DOJ and Capitol police.”

WASHINGTON, DC – JULY 13: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) speaks to reporters after attending a briefing with U.S. Secret Service officials on the cocaine substance found at the White House on July 13, 2023 in Washington, DC. U.S. Secret Service officials briefed members of the House Oversight Committee about the discovery of the substance in the lobby area of the West Wing and announced that their investigation had been concluded after finding no suspect. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Conservative activists and commentators, too, raised their voices in criticism, demanding answers from Greene and House Republicans. Laura Loomer, a prominent conservative activist, confronted Greene with tough questions, writing, “I asked her the real questions nobody else wants to ask. Where are the J6 tapes she promised and lied and said she released months ago? Why hasn’t her bestie @SpeakerMcCarthy endorsed President Trump’s re-election? Why did she show up to the #FultonCountyJail after tweeting and telling everyone not to show up to support President Trump?”

Greene did not remain silent in the face of mounting pressure. In a response on Monday morning, she cited concerns about the misuse of facial recognition technology and the treatment of January 6 defendants as reasons for her change in stance. “After seeing the horrific inhumane treatment of pretrial J6 defendants in the DC jail in 2021 and being one of the few members of Congress that is against the persecution of J6’ers, I was afraid the DOJ would unjustly target more people,” she explained. “But if they can use facial recognition, why can’t we? Our patriots can find the feds and/or provocateurs who were involved in J6 that the DOJ protects. I’m all for releasing the tapes!”

However, her response did little to quell the discontent among conservatives, with some expressing frustration that her actions did not align with her words. One user, Lawrence Melde, wrote, “All talk no action…,” while another user, @GroundPound101, accused Greene and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of sweeping the issue under the rug, asserting, “You two will not get past this. You arrogantly turned your back on J6 Prisoners, and the promise to release footage. Then expect everyone else to trust you guys.”

Independent journalist Ford Fischer also weighed in, seeking clarity from Greene, “Respectfully Congresswoman, could you give us a straight answer then? Like @julie_kelly2 says – this (a procedure to look at slivers at a time and request tiny pieces) is not the promise kept to release it all. Do you favor publicly releasing it all now, rather than this?”

Greene’s evolving stance on the issue was initially revealed in an interview with conservative news outlet Real America’s Voice in June, where she expressed concerns about jeopardizing Capitol security and endangering innocent Americans who may have inadvertently entered restricted areas during the chaotic events.

Newsweek reached out to Greene’s office for comment on this ongoing controversy, but as of the time of this article’s publication, no response has been received.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had previously released a staggering 44,000 hours of January 6 security footage to conservative commentator Tucker Carlson earlier this year. This move further fueled the controversy surrounding Greene’s failure to deliver on her commitment to release the tapes.

As the rift within the Republican Party deepens over the handling of the January 6 tapes, Marjorie Taylor Greene finds herself at the center of a political storm, with critics and supporters alike eagerly awaiting her next steps. The future of this contentious issue remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: transparency and accountability will continue to be hot-button topics in American politics.

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