26 July 2024

The West’s Chance to Crush Its Biggest Security Threat – Don’t Hesitate!

 The West’s Chance to Crush Its Biggest Security Threat – Don’t Hesitate!


As autumn approaches, Ukrainian soldiers continue their relentless battle against heavily fortified Russian lines in the southern regions of their country. Reports of multiple breaches in these heavily defended areas have raised hopes of Ukrainian success in dismantling the Russian land-bridge and potentially defeating the numerically superior invaders. This marks a remarkable turnaround from just 18 months ago when many doubted Ukraine’s ability to defend itself. In this article, we delve into the evolving situation and explore the differing perspectives on how the West should deal with the Russian military threat.

The Changing Landscape in Ukraine

  • Multiple Breaches in Heavily Defended Lines: Recent reports suggest that Ukrainian forces have made significant progress in breaking through Russia’s well-fortified lines, providing a glimmer of hope for the nation’s ultimate success.
  • Ukraine’s Conventional Combat Capability: Ukraine’s determined efforts have significantly weakened the Russian military, once considered the biggest threat to European security.

Divergent Western Perspectives

  • Idealism vs. Realism: Western policymakers hold contrasting views on dealing with the Russian threat. Some advocate idealistic approaches while others emphasize realism.
  • Idealistic Pacifism: Idealists argue that pushing for Russian military and strategic defeat in Ukraine could further enrage the Kremlin and lead to unpredictable actions. They call for peace talks and territorial concessions to pacify Russian aggression.
  • Realism Prevails: Realists argue that Putin’s behavior is not unpredictable; he responds to strength, not weakness. They cite instances where Western leaders’ attempts to engage with Putin were disregarded, emphasizing the need for a more assertive stance.

The Importance of Realism

  • Putin’s Calculated Strategy: Putin’s actions reflect a calculated strategy to exploit weaknesses and vulnerabilities, making it crucial for the West to respond firmly.
  • Germany’s Reliance on Russian Energy: Despite the Russian threat, Germany continues to rely heavily on Russian energy, illustrating the impact of idealistic pacifism on policy decisions.
  • The Need for Political Leadership: Successful strategies require political leadership and integrity, which may differ from idealistic wishful thinking.

Continued Support for Ukraine

  • Ukraine’s Remarkable Progress: Ukraine’s resilience and achievements deserve ongoing Western support.
  • Disregarding Idealism: The West must disregard idealistic calls to avoid confronting Putin and continue supporting Ukraine in its efforts to erode the Russian military’s power.
  • A Long-Term Commitment: Recognizing Russia as the single biggest threat to security, the West must commit to supporting Ukraine militarily and economically well beyond the current counter-offensive.

Seizing the Opportunity for Peace

  • High Returns on Investment: Supporting Ukraine yields significant national security benefits for a relatively modest financial outlay.
  • A Global Perspective: The United States, for example, spends less than five percent of its defense budget aiding Ukraine to counter a peer adversary, highlighting the cost-effectiveness of this approach.
  • A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity: Ukraine’s ability to weaken Russia presents a unique opportunity to restore peace in Europe, and the West must capitalize on this advantage.

In conclusion, the West stands on the brink of defeating its most significant security threat, the Russian military. It is imperative to adopt a realistic approach that acknowledges Putin’s calculated strategy. Continuing to support Ukraine is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic necessity. This ongoing commitment can lead to lasting peace in Europe and safeguard Western interests for years to come.

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