27 July 2024

“Shocking Audio Leak Rocks Kremlin: Putin’s Top General ‘Faints’ After Subordinate’s Furious Rant!”

 “Shocking Audio Leak Rocks Kremlin: Putin’s Top General ‘Faints’ After Subordinate’s Furious Rant!”

Published: September 4, 2023

In a stunning turn of events, an explosive audio leak has emerged, shaking the highest echelons of Russian military leadership. Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, the top military official in Russia and a close confidant of President Vladimir Putin, is alleged to have “fainted” after being on the receiving end of a scathing verbal assault from a now-dismissed subordinate, Major General Ivan Popov. The leaked audio, which surfaced on the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, has sent shockwaves through Moscow, raising questions about the stability and transparency of the Russian military’s high command.

Major General Ivan Popov’s Fiery Rant

In the leaked audio message, Major General Ivan Popov, formerly in command of the 58th Combined Arms Army, provides a harrowing account of his dismissal. Popov claims that he was removed from his post for daring to speak the unvarnished truth about the Kremlin’s top brass and the situation in Ukraine’s volatile Zaporizhia region.

Russian lawmaker Andrei Gurulyov published Popov’s voice message, in which the disgruntled general asserts that he was fired because he refused to toe the line and instead chose to reveal the grim reality of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Popov’s dismissal, coupled with his startling revelations, has sent shockwaves through the Russian military establishment.

Allegations of Military Setbacks in Zaporizhia

The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, which is known for its ties to Russian security forces, has reported that Popov’s former subordinates stationed on the front lines in Zaporizhia have reached out to him following a series of military setbacks. According to the channel, these officers sought guidance and support from their former commander, Ivan Popov.

In response to their pleas, General Popov allegedly urged his former subordinates to stand their ground and report only the unadulterated truth. This revelation has raised concerns about the effectiveness and leadership of Popov’s replacement, as it appears that the soldiers on the front lines no longer have faith in their new command.

Explosive Audio Recording Reveals Gerasimov’s Shocking Reaction

The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel published a 23-second audio recording that purportedly captures a conversation between Major General Ivan Popov and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov just before Popov’s dismissal. In the recording, Popov claims that he confronted Gerasimov directly and that the confrontation was so intense that it caused the powerful army chief to “faint.”

In the audio, Popov can be heard saying, “I f***** [Gerasimov] up so bad that the b****** fainted. It was a straightforward conversation.” The explosive nature of this revelation has left many wondering about the extent of the turmoil within the Russian military’s leadership.

Verification and Russian Defense Ministry’s Response

Newsweek was unable to independently verify the authenticity of the leaked audio message. In an effort to uncover the truth, Newsweek has reached out to Russia’s Defense Ministry for comment. The response from Russian authorities could shed light on the credibility of the leaked audio and the veracity of Popov’s claims.

U.S. Think Tank Weighs In

The Institute for the Study of War, a respected U.S.-based think tank, has offered its analysis of the situation in Ukraine. The think tank suggests that if Popov’s claims are accurate, it implies that his replacement has not been able to gain the trust of the front-line troops. This lack of trust could be due to perceived incompetence or a failure to communicate effectively with senior Russian leadership about the ongoing challenges in Zaporizhia.

The Institute’s insights underscore the significance of this audio leak, as it hints at potential rifts within the Russian military and the broader implications for Russia’s involvement in Ukraine.

Gerasimov’s Troubled Recent History

Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov has been facing a turbulent period in his career. The late Yevgeny Prigozhin, former chief of the notorious Wagner Group, accused Gerasimov and Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu of “treason” shortly before his tragic death in a plane crash on August 23. Prigozhin’s accusations stemmed from the alleged failure to provide his fighters with adequate ammunition and support during their operation to capture the city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine.

These accusations, along with the recent audio leak, place Gerasimov under an intense spotlight and raise questions about his leadership and decision-making within the Russian military.


The explosive audio leak featuring Major General Ivan Popov’s scathing rant and the alleged fainting of Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov has sent shockwaves through the Russian military hierarchy. Popov’s claims, if verified, could have far-reaching implications for the stability of the Russian military command structure and its operations in Ukraine.

As the world waits for the Russian Defense Ministry’s response and further investigation, the authenticity of the audio and the veracity of Popov’s allegations will remain central to this unfolding saga. The consequences of this shocking revelation are likely to reverberate not only within the Russian military but also on the international stage, potentially impacting Russia’s role in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

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